Ice Kitten
It's time for another #free sample, brought to us by #Kroger #MyMagazineSharing Network This month, Kroger is letting us try a new Mtn Dew flavor: Ice. If you've ever been drinking a Sprite but wished it had caffeine... look no further. Here it is! Don't think Mtn Dew, Think Sprite. (Yes, I know that's Coke brand.... but I admit, I mix my brands when it's appropriate. And Sprite is just better.) Here's the catch.... it's a terrible excuse for lemon and lime as real fruit flavor. It's just the citric acid disusing itself as fruit juice. See? What's more.... I don't think I realized just how much caffeine is in Mtn Dew's drinks. Wow. I don't suggest drinking this all at once. I know a lot of people do, but it's still not wise. Side note: If you're interested in just HOW MUCH caffeine is in your drinks of choice... here's a good chart to compare them. (It makes me want to stop buying that la...