Ice Kitten

It's time for another #free sample, brought to us by #Kroger #MyMagazineSharing Network

This month, Kroger is letting us try a new Mtn Dew flavor: Ice.  If you've ever been drinking a Sprite but wished it had caffeine... look no further.  Here it is!

Don't think Mtn Dew, Think Sprite.  (Yes, I know that's Coke brand.... but I admit, I mix my brands when it's appropriate.  And Sprite is just better.)

Here's the catch.... it's a terrible excuse for lemon and lime as real fruit flavor. It's just the citric acid disusing itself as fruit juice.  See?

What's more.... I don't think I realized just how much
is in Mtn Dew's drinks.


I don't suggest drinking this all at once.
I know a lot of people do, but it's still not wise.

Side note: If you're interested in just HOW MUCH caffeine is in your drinks of choice... here's a good chart to compare them.   (It makes me want to stop buying that large Mocha at certain chains, though!)

Kitten approved of the smell.  This was before we opened it though.  The bubbles might have changed his mind later.  *No kittens were harmed in the drinking of this beverage.

Husband didn't exactly approve.  He also didn't separate his expectations from "trying a new thing." I guess he was just ready to try it and expected the traditional Mtn Dew taste. But this isn't it. 
This is Sprite, all jacked up on Mtn Dew.

I finished it off at work, I couldn't drink it all in one sitting... I try to limit my caffeine intake.   

All that to say... if you like Sprite and want the caffeine, you'll enjoy this drink.  I've got coupons should you also want to try some for #free!


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